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学术项目 学术诚信政策





当学生加入我们的大学ag娱乐官网, 他们是被期待的, 作为学徒学者, 正直和准确地寻求真理. 这一追求要求我们对自己的能力保持谦逊, 尊重他人的想法, 以及我们思维的独创性. 因为韦斯特蒙特是一个基督教ag娱乐官网, 我们学术的诚信根植于我们ag娱乐官网的诚信. We seek to be followers of Christ in the classroom, in the library, and on our screens. Violations of academic integrity are a serious breach of trust within the Westmont community because they violate the regard for truth essential to genuine learning and Christian consistency. 这种欺骗也伤害了那些诚实学习的学生. 违反学术诚信可能包括伪造(歪曲事实), 来源, 或任何学术项目或义务的方法), 作弊 (using unauthorized 来源 of information on an examination or other assignment), 或剽窃(使用他人的内容或想法而没有给出适当的署名). 违反学术诚信也可能包括做测验, 测试, 文章, 或者其他人可以亲自完成的任务, 以数字形式, 或者其他方式——从而邀请别人作弊, 伪造, 或抄袭.

教师和学生应该在相互信任和尊重的环境中工作. 教师希望学生的行为方式与学术诚信相一致. Disciplinary measures provide accountability for all of us to uphold these principles; moreover, 这种问责制为韦斯特蒙特大学和其他学校的良好工作奠定了基础. 因此, 因为学术和精神上的原因, 伪造, 作弊, 剽窃, and all other violations of academic integrity are prohibited within the Westmont community.



未经授权的创建, 变更, 或学术活动信息报告(NIU), 2023)是禁止的. 这种学术不诚实的例子包括但不限于:

  • 伪造或伪造数据, 分析, 引文或其他作业信息, 考试, 演讲, 或任何其他学术工作.g.,
    • 捏造信息来源.g.引用虚假消息来源(可能由人工智能工具生成)作为可信消息来源;
    • 未经批准的对预定实验程序的偏离;
    • 未经批准篡改或伪造资料的, 文档, 图片, 音乐, 艺术, or other work (including unapproved use of AI tools to create or manipulate audio or visual materials);
    • 未经授权冒充他人完成学术活动.g.,通过使用他人的设备或登录ID和密码.
  • 伪造或者擅自涂改官方文件、证件或者签名的;
  • 歪曲某人的学术成就, 经历, 凭证, 专业知识, 研究方法, 或工具(包括未经批准使用生成人工智能工具);
  • 隐瞒与入学有关的信息, 转移学分, 纪律的行为, 金融援助, 或者学术地位.


Cheating is obtaining—or aiding another to obtain—credit for work accomplished by deceptive means. 这种欺骗涉及学生和教师之间缺乏透明度. 作弊包括但不限于:

  • 使用未经批准的材料或工具,如电子设备, 备忘单, 或者数字翻译器(例如.g.(谷歌翻译)获取考试或其他评估的信息;
  • 在考试或其他评估期间与其他学生交流;
  • 复制或共享考试或其他评估的信息;
  • Misrepresenting the procedure used to take an exam or complete an assignment (including any group member’s inadequate contribution to required collaborative work [妞妞,2023]);
  • 从事完全的或实质性的抄袭,定义如下.
    • 作弊行为不包括“拼凑”(释义失败), 轻微引用错误, 以及其他“需要用教学法纠正的糟糕写作实例”(贾米森和霍华德,2019年). 但可能会有特定课程的分数扣分, 这样的教学方法为学徒学者提供了一个修改的机会.

抄袭是故意歪曲他人的作品.g., 单词, 思路, style, 或者是我们自己的组织结构, 从而构成某种形式的“盗窃”(牛津英语词典》,2023年). This misrepresentation involves a lack of transparency between a student and faculty member about the process used to produce an assignment. Such misrepresentation may violate the rights of people one may never meet; moreover, 它可能会侵蚀信任,破坏学术关系. 而不是, properly acknowledging the 来源 of content and ideas—through academic conventions of citation—cultivates good stewardship of intellectual property.

威斯蒙特大学承认两种程度的抄袭, 在提交的作业中,这两个都是不可接受的. 学生不得提交人工智能生成的内容或想法(例如.g.(从ChatGPT或Grammarly)作为自己的原创作品. Unless a faculty member specifies otherwise, the following general definitions of 剽窃 apply.

  • 完全抄袭包括以下任何一种没有署名的行为:
    • 提交或展示他人完整的已发表或未发表的作品(论文), 艺术icle, 图像, 或同等学历);
    • 提交其他学生的作业, 不论该人是否知情或同意;
    • Obtaining a complete digital work—whether written by a person or by AI—and representing it as one’s own work;
    • 向不同课程的教员提交相同的论文, 或重复使用或修改以前提交的论文(如.g., from another course) for a current assignment without obtaining prior approval from the faculty members involved.
  • 实质性抄袭包括以下任何一种,且不注明出处:
    • Submitting or presenting a substantial amount of another’s published or unpublished work (paper, 艺术icle, 图像, 或同等学历);
    • 从原文中逐字插入句子(或同等内容);
    • Obtaining a substantial portion of digital work—whether written or generated by another person or by AI—and representing it as one’s own work;
    • Combining paraphrasing with verbatim sentences (or equivalent) to create a paragraph or more of text;
    • Repeatedly and pervasively engaging in textual misuse at the level of phrasing or sentence construction (i.e., failed paraphrase or “patchwriting”) after that misuse has been flagged and after personalized instruction (e.g.(意译)已被提出.
    • 引用来源的逻辑、论点或观点. (原始材料可能是由人或人工智能生成的.)
      • 除了学术诚信问题,使用人工智能辅助的逻辑线等., may not help a student develop the robust critical thinking that is vital to a Westmont graduate.


当发现违反学术诚信时, the course instructor determines the severity of the infraction and the ultimate consequence for the assignment or course. 严重的或实质性的违规行为, 典型的结果是作业或课程得F分.

在所有情况下, faculty will use an infraction as an opportunity to educate the student about the expectations of academic work. 例如, an instructor may require the student to rewrite all or p艺术 of an assignment or to complete a new version of an exam or another assessment.

如果可能的话, the instructor will meet with the student to discuss the incident and inform the student that the Provost's and 学生生活 offices will be notified of the violation. 学生应被告知上诉程序(如下所述).

The instructor will notify the Provost’s and 学生生活 offices of severe or substantial instances of academic dishonesty (连结至报告表格). 多次或更严重的违规, other actions may be taken by the college that include but are not limited to a written warning or initiating a student conduct meeting (which could lead to academic probation, 悬架, 或驱逐).

如果在完成课程或学位后发现抄袭的情况, the level and frequency of 剽窃 will be evaluated by the Provost’s office in consultation with relevant faculty members.

后果可能包括改变一门或多门课程的分数, 延迟授予学位, 扣留学位, 或者撤销学位.


A student who feels that he or she has been unfairly accused or unjustly treated regarding violations of the 学术诚信政策 may appeal to the Academic Integrity Committee, which consists of the provost (or designee) and the chair of the dep艺术ment in which the violation occurred. 如果提出指控的教员是系主席, 教务长将任命另一名教员加入委员会. 上诉 must be in writing and submitted to the Provost’s Office during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. 到5点.m.),在作出决定后的三个日历日内. 如果第三天是非工作日,请通过电子邮件提交申诉至 provost@goldrainbow.net.

An appeal must be in writing and include a statement outlining and supporting the specific grounds on which the student is appealing. The appeal is not a rehearing of the original case and the role of the Provost is not to substitute his or her own judgment for the judgment of the original decision. The role of the appeal officer is to determine whether a new decision should be considered due to a procedural error, 获得新情报或实施过度制裁. During the appeal process, the Provost may choose to set aside sanctions as appropriate.

进行及时有效的审查, the Provost will communicate a decision on the student’s appeal no later than ten business days following the submission of the appeal. 该决定将以书面形式通知上诉学生.  决定将以下列两种形式之一作出:

  1. Original Decision Upheld: Where review of the original decision does not demonstrate a different decision is warranted, 原判将维持原判.
  2. Original Decision Modified: Where review of the original decision demonstrates support for the appeal and a different decision is warranted, 教务长会修改原来的决定. 该决定可能包括减少、修改或撤销制裁.

上诉的决定是终局的, 其他办公室也不会接受或审查裁决后的上诉.



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