
The Westmont 敬拜团队 has recorded a series of live albums over the years. All profits from album sales go towards paying off operating costs and seeding any future albums.

Visit iTunes and search "Westmont College 敬拜团队" for full discography, or 点击这里. 我们也在Spotify、Pandora和大多数流媒体服务上.

We hope these albums give a snapshot of the worshiping community here at Westmont, 并在岁月中提醒我们神的信实.

以下是敬拜团队服事的条件. 如有任何问题,请联系Eben Drost.


The entire 敬拜团队 is required to attend a week-long orientation during the week before school begins. 如果你是团队的鼓手, you are required to come a few days earlier for a Drummers' Orientation.

Please note: if you are a student leader for another organization (WCSA, 跨文化项目, RA's, etc.), you are not eligible for the 敬拜团队 since orientation for those organizations happens during the same week. If you would like to be considered for an exception, please contact both Eben Drost and 安吉拉似幻


Sound check / Morning rehearsal is from 6:30am to 8:00am at Murchison Gymnasium the morning of each chapel day. 敬拜团队 members must be cheerfully and consistently present for Sound Check.*

*敬拜队由两个乐队组成. 每个乐队“值班”一周,然后“下班”一周. You do not have to come to Sound Check or 周一晚上练习 on the week you're 'off duty.'


周一晚上的练习将在克拉克B小屋举行. 所有敬拜团队成员*都应准时到达. No worship team member will be allowed to schedule a class (or work) during this time.



*参见“on duty” & 上面写着“下班”. You are only expected to come to 周一晚上练习 for the week that you are 'on duty.'


All worship team members will attend a mandatory monthly meeting to pray, 一起敬拜和团契. These meetings will usually be off-campus and will last the entire evening. 地点和时间每个月都有变化.


Serving for an entire year (two consecutive semesters) your first year on the 敬拜团队 is preferred, 当然也有例外. After studying abroad, you are welcome to re-join the Team without an additional tryout.


录音形式的排练材料, chord charts and lead sheets will be distributed to all worship team members. 所有的歌曲都必须在夏天学 before 迎新周. 以下是一些细节:

  • Vocalists are responsible for memorizing all your parts exactly as they are on the recording. Once you master your parts, you are free to embellish and create.
  • Bassists are responsible for learning all bass lines, all fills, etc.
  • Drummers are required to buy a metronome and headphones at the start of the Summer. 鼓手必须能够用节拍器演奏所有的歌曲.
  • Acoustic guitarists are responsible for learning all acoustic lines in all songs, 利用一些, 必要时还可以用手指指指.
  • Electric guitarists are responsible for learning all electric parts in all songs, mimicking feel and sound of original recording whenever possible. 一旦你掌握了自己的角色,你就可以修饰和创造.
  • Percussionists will learn all percussion patterns as they occur on the recordings. 如果歌曲录音没有打击乐部分, 想出一个简单的方法是你的责任, 高雅得体的部分.
  • Keyboardists must be able to play piano and must be willing to explore other synth, pad, B3和Rhodes的声音营造气氛, mood, etc. 熟悉主舞台优先考虑.
  • 其他乐器请见Eben Drost.


If you serve on the 敬拜团队, expect to reach out to each other in friendship. I’m not asking that you make worship team your only group of friends—but the team should be a high priority.


我们相信没有祈祷就没有好事. 没有多少计划, 卓越的音乐, money, personnel or resources will do any good without God's blessing. Thus, we will have regular scheduled times of prayer as a team.


玩得开心是件严肃的事! Since we’ll be spending a lot of time working it’s only natural that we also goof off. 晚上游戏, movies, dinners, 飞盘游戏, etc… these things are essential to keeping a good perspective. 如果你想加入这支队伍,就期待着玩得开心.


I expect a very high degree of 卓越的音乐 from the 敬拜团队. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned musician, expect to be stretched and challenged.


我希望所有的成员都有良好的学术成绩. 如果你不能保持你的成绩, I may work with you to have you temporarily step down from leadership until you remedy the situation.


作为校园领袖, I also expect all members to steer clear of any inappropriate behavior, 包括(但不限于)未成年饮酒, 聚会, 圣经婚姻之外的性行为, 不诚实, 下流的语言, 或者其他列在 Westmontag娱乐官网生活声明.


期待服务! 无私的事工是最好的.


忙碌是韦斯特蒙酒店的普遍问题! Stacking campus involvements on top of an already full life can result in spiritual and physical fatigue.

If you want to serve on 敬拜团队 you must make it your #1 priority.


  • Vespers
  • 春天歌唱
  • WSM
  • 陶土

…or any other extra-curricular activities must be secondary to Worship team. If a practice conflicts, you are obligated to go to 敬拜团队 practice. If a meeting conflicts, you are obligated to go to the 敬拜团队 meeting. Why? 我相信承诺 one activity is a way of safeguarding yourself against overwork and fatigue.

Don’t get me wrong—I think these other activities / ministries are wonderful things! 但我更希望你选择其中一个来做 全心全意地 而不是承受过多的事工.

请虔诚地考虑这些期望. 你能做出承诺吗?

选拔赛在来年的春季举行. Students who make the Team are expected to serve both Fall and Spring semesters of the following year.

1st Year students are not normally allowed to be full-fledged members of the 敬拜团队. This rule is designed to enable 1st year students to get used to the rigors of college life before stepping into leadership.

联系Eben Drost了解今年选拔赛的细节.