快速帮助指南 抑郁症


每个人都有起起落落,低落的日子,偶尔会有一阵悲伤. 然而,抑郁可能是一种持续的经历,它会影响你的感受、思考和行为. It can negatively impact your physical health and appearance, 学业成绩, 社会活动, 精神上的幸福, and ability to handle everyday pressures and decisions.

当抑郁持续几周或更长时间时,有时我们不能简单地“振作起来”.“好消息是,有意识地花时间来管理我们的心理健康(例如.g., coping strategies, self-care, self-compassion, 等.) can be a very helpful step toward improving mood. When these strategies are not enough, 咨询和/或药物治疗是减少抑郁情绪的有效选择.


  • A persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood
  • 绝望:绝望、悲观、内疚、羞耻或无价值的感觉
  • 对曾经喜欢的爱好和活动失去兴趣或乐趣
  • Decreased energy, fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
  • Insomnia or oversleeping
  • Change in appetite and/or weight
  • Thoughts of death or suicide; suicide attempts
  • Restlessness, irritability
  • Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, 包括头痛, 消化系统疾病, 慢性疼痛

An estimated 1 in 10 American adults suffer from depression.-中心 for Disease Control and Prevention

How to Take Care of Yourself

  • 积极地处理与抑郁情绪相伴而来的消极想法. 有时我们会感到沮丧,但消极的思维过程会让情况变得更糟.
    • 抑郁症“告诉”你要放弃、避开人群、待在自己的房间里等等. 等. When we “listen” to this, we feel worse. Notice these messages and be active instead.
      • Be active, even when you do not feel like it. Exercise, spend time with others, avoid avoiding things. 
    • 抑郁可能源于我们头脑中反复出现的消极思维模式. 工作 放手 消极的想法,这在抑郁症中很常见.
      • Be aware of messages such as “no one cares,“我不能这么做。,” “this is meaningless,“没希望了。,“我糟透了。”,”等.  
      • Respond realistically. “这很难。, and I feel inadequate at times, but I am going to keep moving forward, coping with the difficulty.”
    • Be patient in the process. Sometimes it may take time to begin feeling better.
  • Monitor your stress and 焦虑 levels
    • Ongoing 焦虑 about stressors in our lives (e.g., classes, friends, future, 等.) can make life generally overwhelming and draining. If you feel depressed AND anxious, 阅读ag娱乐官网焦虑的讲义(可通过咨询中心和学生生活网站获得).
    • 你工作过度吗?? 你有没有减少一些丰富生活的活动,比如和朋友在一起、休息和锻炼? 考虑减轻你的课程负担或参与课外活动.
    • 你是否感到不知所措,感觉自己永远无法完成所有要做的事情? 把大任务分成小任务,一步一步(或一天)来完成.
  • 向他人伸出援手
    • Spend time with others as a way to distract yourself
    • Confide in one or two people you trust; avoid being alone or secretive.
  • Reach out to local churches. 许多人通过与抑郁症有关的小组有外行咨询/关怀部门或专门部门. 询问你参加的教堂是否有这些活动,并参与其中.Take care of your body by:
    • 饮食均衡——即使你不想吃.
    • 建立一个有规律的运动习惯——每周三次,每次30分钟的有氧运动就足够了.
    • 保证充足的休息——建议每天睡7到8个小时, 试着每天在同一时间睡觉和起床.
  • Lean into your faith in Christ:
    • 倾听安慰, inspirational music or worship music, 这可以提醒你神的良善,把你的注意力从目前的困难中转移出来.
    • Meditate on Scriptures. 它们可能不会超自然地让你的抑郁消失,但它们可以带来安慰.
    • Explore Scriptures on sadness, 悲伤和失落, 比如《ag娱乐官网》中的哀歌(如果不熟悉这些,可以谷歌一下).
  • If you are having thoughts of ending your life, 联系你的咨询师,或者到咨询中心的网站预约. 如果你觉得自己有结束生命的危险,请拨打:
    • 24/7 On Call RD at (805) 565-6273
    • Westmont Public Safety at (805) 565-6222
    • 911
    • Suicide Prevention Hotline 800 273 TALK
    • Send a message to the Crisis Text Line at 74174

How to Help a Friend

  • 直接和你的朋友交谈,使用这个框架作为指导可能会有所帮助:
    • 我关心你
    • I see… that you have been struggling
    • I feel… concerned about you
    • I want…to be there for you
    • I will… talk with you when you are struggling, help you sign up for counseling, get you out of your room on weekends, 等.
  • 和朋友说话时,别忘了仔细听
  • Invite your friend to go for a walk, 看电影, 参加体育比赛, or out for another 社会活动. Be gentle yet persistent.
  • 鼓励你的朋友参与你曾经喜欢的活动, 体育, 教会活动, 等.—but do not push your friend to undertake too much too soon.
  • 帮助你的朋友预约和/或陪他或她去咨询或看医生.
  • 鼓励你的朋友继续接受治疗(咨询), 服药, 按照建议改变生活方式)直到症状开始减轻(几周), or to seek different treatment if no improvement occurs.
  • The staff in Counseling Services, 学生生活, Campus Pastor’s Office, 和居住生活 is available to help.
  • 不要做的事情:
    • 不要暗示他或她因经历抑郁而有罪或不属灵, 焦虑, 或愤怒.
    • 不要批评. 那些患有抑郁症的人往往对自己过于挑剔.
    • 不要指责他或她懒惰或装病,也不要指望他或她“振作起来”.”

Do not ignore remarks about suicide. Ask your friend if he/she is having thoughts about suicide. Let your RD know about the conversation. If the concern is urgent, call the On-Call RD 565- 6273

What if these suggestions don’t work?

如果你经常经历抑郁发作(每天到一周几次),或者一次持续数周, consider seeking specialized help. 如果你真的想结束自己的生命,请立即咨询专业人士. 校园内的咨询中心提供个人咨询,学生生活部门的工作人员也可以提供支持, 校园部门, 和居住生活.

If you need immediate assistance, 请拨打911, 电话:(805)565-6273或Westmont Public Safety电话(805)565-6222.

On- and Off-Campus Support


学生生活 Office: Room 209 Kerrwood Hall, (805) 565-6028

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) - goldrainbow.net/caps - (805) 565-6003

Campus Pastor’s Office: Clark B Cottage, (805) 565-6170


Your Resident Directors


安全:治疗青少年的安全选择24/7热线888-334-2777. The SAFTY hotline is provided by Casa Pacifica, a non-profit community based service of Santa Barbara. SAFTY有一个流动的危机小组,并将帮助制定安全计划. This service is provided for students 20 years old or younger.

关怀:危机和恢复紧急服务24/7热线888-868-1649. CARES是圣巴巴拉县的一条心理健康热线,提供危机干预和咨询服务. CARES也是一个流动的心理健康评估小组,如果有人拨打911紧急心理健康电话,他们会到现场进行评估. The daytime office phone number is 888-334-2777.

村舍医院24小时无预约紧急精神科服务: 心理健康危机和化学品依赖的咨询和危机干预. For consultation by phone call 805-569-8339.

24小时地方和全国非紧急(非911)危机热线: Santa Barbara County Crisis Hotline: 211.



Coping with 抑郁症 by Siang-Yang Tan and John Ortberg, Jr.

A guide for coping with depression

我不想谈论它:克服男性抑郁症的秘密遗产 特伦斯·雷亚尔

Unmasking Male 抑郁症 作者:Archibald D. 哈特

认识到问题的根源,比如愤怒, 沉默, addictions sexual compulsions

Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide by Kay Redfield Jamison

The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for 抑郁症 by William Knaus and Albert Ellis

从抑郁中走出来 伦纳德·卡默


Feeling Good: the New Mood Therapy by David D. 伯恩斯

Drug-free treatment for depression

Happiness is a Choice 作者:Frank B. Minirth和Paul C. 迈耶

A manual on the symptoms, causes, and cures of depression


God will give you strength: Isaiah 40:29-31 & 41:10; Psalm 18:1-19

God will give you peace: John 14:27 & 16:33

God’s presence is with you: Joshua 1:9

God will not abandon you: Psalm 23, John 14:18

God forgives you: 1 John 1:9

God protects you in trials: Job 23:10

God gives you hope: Psalm 42 & 62:5-8