司法常务官办公室 荣誉课程

A. 主要荣誉

达到3级的学生.累积平均绩点(GPA)为5分,成绩为3分.5 average in all their their major courses in their first two and one half years of undergraduate work (at Westmont and elsewhere) are eligible to apply for Major Honors. 咨询他们的导师, the Major Honors candidate will develop and execute an advanced level independent reSearch project, 提交一份完整的研究报告, and pass an oral examination on the reSearch before a three-person committee and guest examiners. 申请可以在学生档案办公室找到. 

  1. The student who would like to undertake honors work in his or her major during the senior year should submit an application to the Academic Review Committee prior to April 1 of their the junior year or September 15 of their senior year. Please consult with the Student Records office on the feasibility and deadlines for Major Honors proposals with a spring-fall timeline. A letter of support from the faculty mentor of the proposed project and the project timeline should accompany the application.
  2. The Academic Senate Review Committee will determine whether the student is eligible for Major Honors work and whether the proposed project is appropriate for Major Honors designation.
  3. The faculty mentor will help the eligible student craft their Major Honors proposal and will be responsible for overseeing the project. 这包括确保召开指定的会议, 项目按计划进行, and that mid-project reports are submitted and the final oral examination is scheduled and advertised to the college community. 
  4. The student may choose the second member of the committee and may suggest faculty members to serve as the third member of the committee. One of the three members of the committee must be chosen from outside the major department. 第三名委员将由学术评议委员会负责遴选. The student will confirm the faculty mentor and second committee member's willingness to serve. The Academic Senate Review Committee will gain the approval of the third committee member. Permission to undertake Major Honors work is contingent upon the willingness of full-time faculty to serve on the committee. 
  5. 批准后, 优等生将向导师提交一份总体大纲(一面), 他或她想要遵循的项目的时间表(一页). The student will be enrolled for two credits of Major Honors coursework for the first semester of the project. 
  6. The faculty mentor will call a meeting of the committee to outline and develop a plan for the student's reading and/or preliminary reSearch program. 
  7. By October 1 (for fall-spring projects) or March 1 (for spring-fall projects) the faculty mentor will convene the committee to hear an oral progress report from the student, 回顾更详细的项目大纲, and advise on procedures for rounding out reading preparation and/or preliminary reSearch for the remainder of the semester. 
  8. 12月1日(秋季-春季项目)或4月15日(春季-秋季项目)截止日期, the faculty mentor will convene the committee at which time the student will submit a one-page progress report together with:
    1. An annotated bibliography of reading to be employed in the final paper and a refined outline of the paper, or
    2. 初步研究报告.
  9. The committee will submit to the Student Records office a copy of the student's progress report together with a document signed by all members of the committee recommending:
    1. 书目工作或初步研究的适当等级.
    2. 学生是否应该继续这个项目.
    3. 下学期注册的单元数(二至四).
  10. 收到委员会的建议后, 学生将获得适当数量的专业荣誉学分.
  11. Before April 15 (for fall-spring projects) and December 1 (for spring-fall projects) the student will submit two copies of the fully documented paper or completed project (with written summary/evaluation) to the faculty mentor. 如果编辑是由委员会推荐, 学生将提交两份最终副本给导师. One copy will be for the committee and one will be sent to the college archives in the Library.   公开、口头答辩和陈述将安排并公布. 全体委员会成员都将出席.
  12. 全体委员会将决定荣誉作业的最终分数. A grade of " A-" (A minus) or higher will earn Major Honors designation on the permanent record and be announced at Commencement.

B . 荣誉类

每年院系都会开设各种通识教育荣誉课程. Enrollment in honors sections is by invitation from the Provost based upon selection criteria set by the Academic Senate Review Committee. 荣誉课程目前对成绩为3分的学生开放.50 cumulative GPA at Westmont or to new students who are Augustinian or President's Scholars. Ruth Kerr Scholars may petition to enroll in honors courses by contacting the Student Records office. 

C. 最后的荣誉

Students who are eligible to enroll in honors classes are also eligible for in-course honors in standard courses. 学生必须符合上述条件, obtain the consent of the instructor and submit an application for in-course honors to the Academic Senate Review Committee for approval (via the Student Records office) no later than the second week of the semester. 

  1. The application must be accompanied by an honors plan developed by the instructor for the specific course. The instructor may choose to have the honors students do different assignments from the rest of the class, 例如,用更具挑战性的阅读来代替通常指定的阅读. Or, the instructor may prefer to have the honors students complete the traditional class assignments but assign additional work for the honors students. 如果是后者, 计划应该包括不同性质的任务, 不仅仅是额外的工作和, 通常, it should reflect that a student has completed 25% more work than the regular class requirements.
  2. If the student completes the in-course honors plan with a grade of "B+" (B plus) or higher an "Honors" designation will be applied to the course title.