
WIM offers an integrative curriculum, 在一节课中学习的主题在其他课中得到强化和扩展, as well as in field trips and local excursions. Most importantly, 学生们每天都在课堂内外学习和应用新的东西.

Students in WIM typically take 16 units. Most classes are 3 units. The Westmont Resident Director teaches one course, "Engaging Cultures,这是一个综合研讨会,旨在帮助你处理整个经历. 所有其他课程都是由高素质的墨西哥大学教授授课.

  • Intermediate Spanish (SP 3/4) GE Modern Language
  • Advanced Spanish (SP 100) & Language in Context (SP 105) GE Writing Intensive
  • 高级口语技能,写作和语法(高级西班牙语学生)
  • Mexican History & Civilization GE Thinking Historically, Common Inquiries
  • Principles of Art: Mexico GE Performing & Interpreting the Arts
  • Integrative Seminar: Engaging Culture GE Thinking Globally
  • Latin Dance GE PEA
  • Latin American Literature I & II GE Reading Imaginative Literature
  • Mexican Literature GE Reading Imaginative Literature
  • Literary Translation (for upper-level students)
  • Mexico/US Relations GE Political Science Elective
  • 墨西哥学校实地经验(通识教育实习,适用于西班牙语高级学生)

WIM在春季学期有一个2单元的出发前培训研讨会(IS 192),在回国后有一个可选的再入学研讨会(IS 197).

  • A bonus of the program is the intensive Spanish language courses, 让您在一个学期内完成相当于一年的语言学习
  • The WIM program as a whole satisfies the GE Communicating Cross-Culturally
  • 学生将获得满意的多个ge(通常为5-7个ge),并且西班牙语辅修或主修课程最多可达16个单元. 

Program Cost

该计划的费用将是标准的威斯蒙特学费,杂费,标准食宿. There is no program fee, 但是你要负责从美国到墨西哥的往返机票费用. 



  • Sophomores, juniors, and seniors from any major. Freshmen are especially encouraged to apply.
  • One semester of college Spanish or the equivalent. 
  • 2-unit pre-departure orientation seminar during the spring semester (IS 192).


  • 偶尔参加基于当地饮食的公共餐,对食物的选择控制有限.
  • 在多个不规则表面上行走,平均每天独立行走3-5英里,每月实地考察每天最多10英里.
  • 尽管获得心理服务的机会有限,但预期有足够的情绪健康,以安全成功地充分参与该计划.
  • Anticipate at least double occupancy accommodations on monthly field trips.
  • 至少在项目开始前两周接种最后一剂Covid-19疫苗. 
  • If eligible, 如果距离上次接种Covid-19疫苗或增强疫苗已至少两个月,则应在出发前至少两周接种最新的Covid-19疫苗增强剂. 

How to apply

有关该计划的更多信息,请联系玛丽·多克特教授(docter@westmont).edu). For more info about the application process, please contact


WIM Handbook

WIM手册旨在帮助当前的WIM学生在被课程录取后在国外度过他们的学期. The handbook will answer many of your questions as you prepare for your trip, as well as give you valuable information while living in Mexico. A current handbook is not available at this time. Please email Dr. Docter if you would like to view a previous edition.