Counseling 和 Psychological 服务 服务

Resources Available at CAPS

Whether you are entering your first week of classes, or finishing your last semester at Westmont, 我们很高兴你在这里,随时准备为你的咨询需求提供帮助.

韦斯特蒙特学院是一个独特的基督教和学术ag娱乐官网,致力于全人的发展. CAPS的使命是陪伴学生成长为健康的成年人, particularly at this critical juncture in life. This is facilitated through:

  • 直接的服务 - Providing individual 和 group counseling
  • 咨询 - Discussing with others (e.g., 父母, faculty) on how to respond to mental health concerns
  • 外展 - Educating the community toward proactive prevention

To best serve the campus, our services are provided 免费的保密. 我们在道德上承诺保密,这是联邦/州法律所要求的, such that even a student's attendance is kept private 和 保密. For further information, please visit our tab on 保密ity. All of our counselors are licensed or supervised by a licensed clinician.


CAPS is located on the lower part of campus next to Armington Hall, in the same building as the Health Center.

周一 上午9点到下午5点
周二 上午9点到下午5点
周三 上午9点到下午5点
周四 上午9点到下午5点
星期五 上午9点到下午5点

在8点至5点以外的时间,如有心理紧急情况,请ag娱乐官网紧急情况 页面.

Call or email our Office Manager with questions or concerns. Please note, email 和 this phone number are not used for emergencies. 如果您的关注涉及紧急情况,请查看我们的选项 紧急情况 页面.  

(805) 565-6003

Request an Appointment

Within 2 business days (while school is in session), 我们的办公室工作人员将与您联系,安排与我们中心的初次预约. While most students are seen within a week, depending on your availability 和 CAPS schedule of openings, it can sometimes be longer. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please go to the 紧急 页面 for information on what to do. If you are experiencing a significant personal crisis, please indicate on your Request for Counseling form.

Between now 和 your appointment, 开始学习和实践策略来管理你可能正在经历的痛苦 自我保健的想法.

ag娱乐官网 Electronic Forms: To ensure 保密ity 和 to avoid timing out 和 losing information, you will need to complete your forms in one sitting. Anticipate that this process may take 20-30 minutes.

Please contact us if you need any assistance. Come in, call, or email our Office Manager @ (805) 565-6003 or

Cancelling an Appointment

PLEASE PROVIDE 24-HOUR NOTICE FOR CANCELLED APPOINTMENTS, so that office 工作人员 may reschedule the time for another student.




CAPS is closed for all student holidays 和 breaks. If there is an urgent need during a holiday or break, please see our 紧急情况 页面.

Westmont CAPS可以为那些对学生有担忧的人提供咨询. This includes faculty, 工作人员, 父母, 和 other students.

一种选择是和辅导员谈谈自己的担忧,而不是点名某一个学生. 咨询师将能够回顾相关的情感和道德问题.

如果有学生的问题,谁会被点名并被认为是在咨询, 该学生可能会被问及是否愿意签署“信息发布同意书”. 这种形式, available at CAPS requires the student signature, the counselor signature, the name of the person to whom the information is going to, 和 the specific nature of the information to be released. 没有学生的书面许可,任何信息都不会泄露. 有时学生不希望任何信息被公布,也不会在表格上签名. 虽然对相关人员来说很困难,但学生的意愿将得到尊重.

Sometimes concerned faculty, 工作人员, 父母, or students wish to provide information to a counselor, fully respecting 保密ity, with no expectation of any feedback from the counselor. 咨询人员能够听到这些信息,并在适用的情况下加以利用. 重要的是要知道,是否告诉学生有人给了辅导员ag娱乐官网他们的信息是辅导员的特权, 谁给的?, 他们说了什么. 学生和辅导员之间的信任,保密的关系是绝对优先的. Withholding information, unless that information is detrimental to the student, may compromise the therapeutic relationship. 我们强烈鼓励那些关心学生的人直接和敏感地与学生交谈, encourage them to go to counseling if they have not already done so, 和 if they are in counseling, to bring those concerns to their counselor.


Law requires these disclosures.

CAPS为学生提供校外的营养咨询服务, psychiatric evaluation, 和 off-campus therapy. Fees for off-campus appointments are the responsibility of the student. 

在校外获得治疗的过程可能会令人困惑. To assist, we have a detailed 页面 about navigating the process for finding an off campus provider.  此外,如有需要,我们可以回答有关推荐的问题. 如果您对校外推荐名单感兴趣,请与我们的办公室工作人员联系.

Common Obstacles to Off-campus Support, 和 Solutions

  1. I cannot afford to pay for an off-campus provider. 许多, 如果不是大多数, insurance providers cover expenses for mental health counseling, similar to an appointment with a physician. 如果您不确定,请联系您的保险公司或询问您保险的主要成员(例如.g.、家长). If you do not have insurance or wish not to use it, many providers accept sliding scales or reduced rates, including some as low as $13 per session. 
  2. I do not have a car to get to an appointment. 有很多选择,我们可以与您合作,找到最好的选择. Borrow a car, have a friend drive, have sessions over Zoom, etc. 
  3. 我想要一个长期的咨询师,但在CAPS做短期治疗要容易得多. Some students try to "get by" with short term counseling, but are experiencing symptoms that require longer term counseling. 在这些情况下, students do not get the care they need, 和 their symptoms may not improve or even worsen. If your counselor recommends long-term therapy (e.g.(超过12个会议),我们很高兴与您合作设置这个.



心理咨询服务中心(CAPS)的许多员工都是动物爱好者, as well as professionals 和 advocates for student mental health. 偶尔, 我们收到来自学生的信件请求,支持获得情感支持动物(esa),以帮助管理或改善他们在校期间的心理健康.

而服务性动物则被单独训练为残疾人工作或执行特定任务, 情感支持动物为被诊断患有心理障碍的人提供陪伴和情感支持, but is not trained to perform any specific task or function.  esa是根据联邦住房法分类的,不符合美国残疾人法案(ADA)的服务性动物资格。.

美国心理咨询协会(ACA)ag娱乐官网人与动物干预心理咨询的立场声明建议,专业心理健康咨询师不参与写信推荐esa作为其客户干预的做法, 除非咨询师在人与动物干预咨询方面有专门的培训和经验. 所有学科有执照的精神卫生治疗提供者的道德守则规定,提供者必须只在其基于教育的能力范围内工作, 培训, 监督, experience 和 credentials. 在帽, 我们的临床医生接受过心理健康诊断和治疗评估方面的培训, 在咨询中使用人-动物干预不在我们的实践范围之内.

使用情感支持动物作为治疗干预有许多潜在的风险需要考虑:为客户, for the broader campus community, 还有动物. Due to these potential risks, as well as ethical codes regarding scope of practice, CAPS的临床专业人员避免给情感支持动物写支持信. 

If you are interested in this service, 我们很高兴为您推荐一位在这方面受过培训和专业知识的ag娱乐官网精神卫生提供者. 请参阅我们的 ag娱乐官网推荐 页面.