

你和你的同学将学习历史, 文本, and cultural foundations of Islam and then compare these with the living reality of Egyptian, 土耳其和巴勒斯坦社会. 你将在埃及度过这学期的大部分时间, 一个90%人口是穆斯林的国家, 在许多人眼里, 伊斯兰教逊尼派的中心. 你还将访问巴勒斯坦和土耳其, 另外两个以穆斯林为主的国家, 让你们对伊斯兰教有更广泛的了解.

你和你的同学将参与埃及教会,包括现在和过去. You will study the evolution of Christianity from an opposition movement to the religion of empire, 然后被保护, 从属和边缘化的少数民族. Attention will be given to the interaction between theological developments and cultural and political developments. 你会学到更多ag娱乐官网东方和东方东正教的知识. Through meeting with different Christians living in the Middle East today you will be challenged to consider afresh what it means to be a part of the global body of Christ.

满足GE:理解社会, 通用电气:跨文化交流和主要学分历史国际轨道

You and your fellow students will study the modern history of Egypt: its transition from a Kingdom occupied by Britain into an independent nation state. 你将学习成为一个现代国家意味着什么, and how a nation simultaneously lives out and fails to live up to its values and its identity before, 革命期间和革命之后.

满足GE:全球思维, 主修/副修学分政治学, 和主要学分历史国际轨道

You and your fellow students will study some of the dramatic political changes in the Middle East which have taken place since 2011 and will consider if the “Arab Spring" is or is not an appropriate name for these changes. You will study the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the perspective of both Israelis and Palestinians. 我们将共同询问在哪里可以找到和平的希望, 我们可以从该地区争夺影响力和资源的斗争中学到什么, 以及这对我们美国人和基督徒意味着什么.

满足GE:外语, 主要学分历史国际轨道, 主修学分政治学、国际安全 & 开发跟踪

我们在开罗期间,你们将学习阿拉伯语, 无论是在正式的课堂环境中,还是通过日常的练习机会.

我们也将提供第二学期的阿拉伯语II在您返回威斯蒙特, which may be of particular interest to Political Science and History majors on the international track.



该计划的费用将是标准的威斯蒙特学费,杂费,食宿费. 没有节目费用, 但是你要负责从美国到埃及的往返机票费用. 

Students are allowed to apply their financial aid awards from the college—both need-based and merit-based awards—toward the program’s cost.


  • 类站
  • GPA(最低2分).3 gpa)
  • 申请及论文
  • 个人和教员推荐信


除上述一般资格外, 以下是必须满足的要求, 有或没有合理的住宿, 为了完成该计划的所有基本要素. 所有参与者必须能够:

  • 在大多数地方,容忍当地饮食,对食物选择的控制有限.
  • 预期可能接触到花生或其他食物过敏原.
  • 由于大气污染程度高,预计开罗的呼吸系统将面临挑战.
  • Navigate multiple irregular surfaces and walk/travel up to 5 miles in a day independently. (广泛的步行, as well as travel throughout ancient cities and towns with narrow passageways and many stairs, 是项目日常生活的一部分吗.)
  • 在没有帮助的情况下携带个人物品,包括手提箱和/或背包.
  • Anticipate having sufficient emotional wellness to fully participate in the program safely and successfully despite the limited availability of frequent access to psychological services.
  • 如果不是所有地点,预计至少会有两个人入住.
  • Receive the final dose of the Covid vaccine at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the program. 


不再接受2023年春季课程的申请. For more information about the program, contact Professor Jim Wright at jwright@goldrainbow.net.