Registered Students Accessibility Resource Office

The ARO portal, AIM,是存储和协调您的所有资格和住宿信息的地方.

On AIM, you can select accommodations for your classes, schedule an appointment, request an exam, access notes from a peer notetaker, and more.

Get to AIM through the portal (Search "ARO" and save it to the Your Favorites bar).

Renewing accommodations on AIM

1. Each semester, 从您的课程列表中选择课程,提出住宿要求. 请记住,你可能不需要为每门课程提供相同的住宿. 

2. Some accommodations, like notetaking, require additional approval and/or steps and may require a meeting with an ARO staff member. 其他的,比如延长测试时间,将在没有额外步骤的情况下获得批准. 您可以在AIM配置文件中检查每个请求的状态.

3. ARO将审查你的申请,并将你的住宿通知书(LOA)通过电子邮件发送给你的教授.

Academic Accommodations

1. Get accessible ebooks through Slingshot. 许多ag娱乐官网弹弓的教科书都有电子版,你可以使用辅助功能. 要做到这一点,你必须在你的Slingshot帐户中选择电子书作为你的教科书首选.

2. 如果你需要的书在Slingshot上没有电子版本,或者不符合你的需要,那就去看看吧 Bookshare, an accessible library. In order to make an account, 您需要提供残疾证明表格(POD),我们可以代您填写.

3. 如果您仍然无法访问另一种格式的书, we can order the book through the publisher, 但是需要书的信息和你需要的格式, as well as a proof of purchase of the original format. Please send a filled out request form to to request support. 

Schedule an Exam on AIM

Proctoring Hours: 8:30 AM-4:45 PM [Closed M/W/F 10:20-11:30 for chapel]

  • Exams must be completed by 4:45. We are closed during chapel.

  • You must schedule your upcoming exam(s) 3 school days in advance.

  • Late requests will be approved on a case-by-case basis, 但是没有适当的通知不能保证你的考试可以被监考.


You can:

  • 让你的教授为你协调监考的时间和/或减少分心的环境.

  • 在教授同意的情况下,将考试安排在不同的时间. 请在考试申请页面的笔记部分写下这一点,并转发教授的电子邮件批准. 学生在正常上课时间以外参加考试,欢迎校方一次性批准. *如果你的考试时间和上课时间有重叠,你不需要教授的批准.

  • In rare cases due to an unusually tight schedule, 考试可能需要提前或推迟. Please provide professor approval.

Scheduling Instructions:

  • Get to your AIM account through the portal.

  • Select Alternative Testing 在左侧边栏中,选择您的类,然后单击 Schedule Exam.

  • Enter exam time and day information accurately. Do not add your extended time. It will be calculated automatically. 通常,MWF课程为65分钟,TH课程为110分钟. 确保你的考试不会和礼拜堂课,其他课重叠,或者在我们的时间之外.

  • 如果你想把考试时间改到上课时间, or if you are scheduling a late exam, state the reason in the notes section.

  • Click Add New Request. 点击,检查它是否被正确安排 View My Exams.

  • You may edit or delete your exam request at any time.


  • 所有课程的期末考试由教务长预先安排. 期末考试和你的常规课程不是在同一时间. Please review the schedule carefully prior to scheduling your final exam.

  • 如果你每天有一次以上的期末考试(并且你在ARO注册了),你可以向注册主任申请将一个或多个考试重新安排到另一天. This e-form can be found on your portal.

The ARO provides Glean licenses, Livescribe 符合条件的学生可免费租用和使用笔记本. 学生负责任何其他应用程序/辅助技术的费用. 

How to Request a Peer Notetaker:

1. 选择这种住宿为任何课程,你预计需要一个同伴笔记. 

2. 参加一周的课程,确认你是否需要一个笔记员. If you do, please confirm your request in AIM

3. We will assign you a notetaker as soon as possible. You will remain anonymous to them.

Other Apps

Agreement for Peer Notetaking

Agreement for Lecture Recording

Student Rights

Students have the right to equal access to all educational programs, services, and facilities.

Under FERPA, 有关学生残疾的信息是保密的,其披露仅限于那些具有合法教育利益的人. To release information to a party, please complete this form.

Students have the right to reasonable accommodations that ensure an inclusive learning environment, 这不会给大学带来不必要的负担,也不会从根本上改变课程/项目/学习成果. You may appeal an accommodation decision through our grievance procedure.


学生有权就与残疾有关的事宜获得清楚及及时的沟通, including accommodation processes and decisions.

学生有权参与决策过程,而不承担不必要的负担 regarding their accommodations.

Student Responsibilities

Students must initiate the accommodation process 并在要求和实施必要的便利时为自己辩护.

学生必须提供适当和最新的文件 of the disability to the ARO if necessary.

学生必须及时申请住宿 to allow for proper arrangements. 如果您不再需要所要求的住宿,请尽快通知ARO.

Students must maintain open and honest communication with instructors and the ARO about needs and barriers.

Students must comply with the policies and procedures outlined by the college and the ARO.

Students must provide feedback to the ARO on the effectiveness of accommodations.

Accessibility Resource Office Responsibilities

ARO必须按照以下规定对学生的残疾相关信息保密 FERPA. 从韦斯特蒙特学院退学或毕业后,记录将保留5年.

The ARO must ensure that all programs, services, 残疾学生也可以使用这些设施.

The ARO must clearly communicate procedures 为学生和教师要求和实施住宿.

ARO必须协调和促进合理的住宿 学生与相关教职员工合作.

ARO必须倡导残疾学生的需求和权利 within the institution.

ARO必须为教职员工提供培训和支持 创造一个包容和无障碍的学习环境.

The ARO must seek feedback from students 对住宿的有效性进行评估,并在此基础上不断改进服务.

ARO必须确保学院遵守相关法律法规 与残疾相关的服务(包括但不限于 Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act).