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Sandra Richter Deborah Cover

The Book of Judges narrates one of the most chaotic and morally dark eras of Israel's story. Many speak of it as Israel's "Wild West," where the heroes and the villains stand only inches apart. Into this morally-ambiguous time comes one of the most unlikely leaders of the biblical text—the prophet Deborah. 她是一个完全男权世界里的妻子和母亲, 但由于她的正直和勇气, she transforms chaos into order and leads Israel in one of the most pivotal victories of the settlement period.

通过考古记录说明士师的时代, 历史地理学, 以及古代战争的残酷事实, 这项研究立即吸引学生到伟大的故事底波拉和巴拉克, 耶宾和西西拉, 当然也是最不可能的领导人, 雅亿.



我们常常把挫折和灾难看作是阻碍我们过上最好生活的事件. 但它们确实是培养领导力的机会.

The problem of suffering is a spiritual hurdle for many that disorients us and those we lead. 盖尔维. 毕比直面了生存危机, 显示, 虽然我们一开始很困惑, 这些情况最终会让我们做好准备. 以前认为这些挑战是无法克服的, 他已经认识到它们是我们与上帝关系的重要通道.

毕比确定了七个坩埚——变革的强大催化剂, 当拥抱, 在这段深刻的旅程中塑造我们. 这本书的每一章都深入探讨了其中一个难题, 这是毕比非常了解并亲身经历过的吗. 在生活苦难的现实中, use this illuminating guidebook and find how colossal setbacks become a bedrock for a better, 丰富的ag娱乐官网.

门德尔松 and the Genesis of the Protestant A Cappella Movement (Elements in Music and Musicians 1750–1850)

 门德尔松 and the Genesis of the Protestant A Cappella Movement (Elements in Music and Musicians 1750–1850)

取材于他在施莱尔马赫领导下在柏林的经历以及他去梵蒂冈的旅行, 门德尔松, 担任普鲁士教会音乐总监, wanted to offer an edifying worship experience where large-scale choral works would become an indispensable part of the liturgy, 他认为这是一种表演行为还是代表行为, 以基督的生命为中心. Yet he quickly realized that the court and clergy were not interested in his foundational concepts; they merely wanted reforms based on the restauration ideals espoused by Winterfeld and Thibaut. Analyses of his 25 Domchor compositions and their revisions in this Element chronicle 门德尔松's stylistic development and his ability to continue to offer a Christological worship experience within strictly prescribed parameters. The Berlin Domchor and its new repertoire by 门德尔松 and contemporaneous composers quickly became the model for the emerging a cappella movement throughout Protestant Germany.



南亚是超过10亿印度教徒和5亿穆斯林的家园. 但该地区也有大量的基督教ag娱乐官网, 有些可以追溯到ag娱乐官网的早期. The stories of South Asia's Christians are vital for understanding the shifting contours of World Christianity, precisely because of their history of interaction with members of these other religious traditions. 在这个广阔的世界里, 南亚基督教概览, Chandra Mallampalli shows how the faith has been shaped by Christians' location between Hindus and Muslims.

Mallampalli首先讨论了南印度古老的托马斯基督教传统, which interacted with West Asia's Persian Christians and thrived for centuries alongside their Hindu and Muslim neighbours. He then underscores efforts of Roman Catholic and Protestant missionaries to understand South Asian societies for purposes of conversion. ag娱乐官网其他宗教的书籍和小册子的出版, 各宗教间的辩论, 激进的说教是这些努力的核心, 但很少能让人皈依. 而不是, 他们在制造宗教竞争气氛方面发挥了重要作用, 这最终使基督徒在印度教中被边缘化, 穆斯林, 以及后殖民时期南亚以佛教为主的国家.



痛苦和疾病对早期基督徒意味着什么? 和 how did their approaches to health care compare to those of the ancient Greco-Roman world?

在这个广泛的跨学科研究中, 海伦·李考察了早期基督徒如何看待疾病, 疼痛, and health care and how their perspective was influenced both by Judeo-Christian tradition and by the milieu of the larger ancient world. 在她的分析中, 李承晚整理医学史, 古希腊罗马文学, and ancient philosophy in constructive dialogue with early Christian literature to elucidate early Christians’ understanding, 拨款, and reformulation of Roman and Byzantine conceptions of health and wholeness from the second through the sixth centuries CE.

利用当代医学人类学领域, 李承晚生病了, 疼痛, 医疗保健是社会文化问题. 通过这个和其他方法, she explores the theological meanings attributed to illness and 疼痛; the religious status of those suffering from these and other afflictions; and the methods, 系统, 以及基督徒个人的仪式, 教堂, 修道院是为那些受苦的人设计的. Rhee’s findings ultimately provide an illuminating glimpse into how Christians began forming a distinct identity—both as part of and apart from their Greco-Roman world.



我邀请你去朝圣. 朝圣是有神圣目标的旅程. 我给你的神圣目标是认识上帝. 也许你已经踏上了朝圣之旅. 也许你已经认识神了. 如果是这样,我邀请你更好地认识上帝.
字面上的宗教朝圣包括去一个地方. 在基督教传统中, 朝圣者曾到过耶路撒冷这样的地方, 罗马, 圣地亚哥·德孔波斯特拉. 去这些地方需要把你的身体移到那里.
但我邀请你们开始或继续的朝圣之旅是一次灵魂之旅. 你这次朝圣的目的是让你的灵魂更接近上帝.
朝圣是你要做的事. On a literal pilgrimage, you have to keep your body moving in the same direction for a long time. 这样做需要使用和照顾你的身体.
在灵魂朝圣之旅中,你必须长时间将灵魂指向上帝. Doing so requires the use and care of your soul by means of engaging in various spiritual practices. 你会接受我的邀请吗? 你愿意加入我和我妻子詹妮弗的灵魂朝圣之旅吗?



Most Christians have heard a familiar description of the Samaritan woman in John 4: she was a sinner, 一个淫妇, 即使是妓女. 纵观教会历史, 从性别和婚姻历史的角度来看,井边的女人一直被狭隘地看待. 我们在这个故事中遗漏了什么? 和 what difference does our interpretation of this passage make for women and men in the church? 瑞恩一个评论. 里德要求我们从另一个角度看待撒玛利亚妇人. 从约翰福音第4章的接待历史开始, she pulls back layers of interpretation entangled with readers' assumptions on women and sexuality. 然后,她探索了故事的原始背景, describing life for women and expectations regarding marriage and divorce in the first century. 有了这个清晰的镜头, Reeder's exegesis of the passage yields refreshing insights on what the Gospel says—and does not say—about the woman at the well.


教书是一项艰苦的工作. 教学是有回报的工作. ag娱乐官网教师心理健康的研究非常丰富, 教师职业倦怠, 这个行业的人员流失已经证明了第一个说法的真实性. 和, 没有读过一个字的学术研究, teachers know the truth of the second: there are numerous challenges and complexities involved in this noble profession. Teachers also know the truth of our second claim—that teaching is immensely rewarding work. 而教学是世界上要求最高的职业之一, 它也是最有回报的职业之一. 编辑米歇尔·C. Hughes and Ken Badley hope readers and teaching colleagues alike will be reminded of the rewards and the unexpected paybacks found in teaching.


我们是由我们的设备形成的. Today's digital technologies are designed to captivate our attention and encroach on our boundaries, 塑造我们与时间和空间的关系, 对自己和他人, 甚至对上帝. Our natural longing for relationship makes us vulnerable to the "industrializing" effects of social media. 当我们享受数字科技带来的好处时, many of us feel troubled with its power and exhausted by its demands for permanent connectivity. 然而,即使我们不再抱有幻想, 试图抵制数字“权力”似乎是一场失败的战斗.

Sociologist Felicia Wu Song has spent years considering the personal and collective dynamics of living in digital eco系统. 在这本书中,她结合了心理学, 神经系统, and sociological insights with theological reflection to explore two major questions: What kind of people are we becoming with personal technologies in hand? 我们到底想成为什么样的人?