优秀的毕业生 艺术




安妮卡·布里顿,23岁’s presence in the 艺术 Department is characterized by a genuine curiosity about the beauty of others and her surroundings. Her textile sculptures overwhelm with sensory delight and vibrate with joy and discovery. 她在工作室工作时很顽强, reworking her art pieces to capture the clearest version of her vision possible.





阿什利·罗森鲍姆,23岁’s love of the outdoors feeds her creative artmaking and her art reflects her intimate awareness of her surroundings. She gives the same attention and rigorous practice to climbing a rock cliff as she does to painting watercolors of the grooves and contours of a mountain landscape. Ashley possesses an impressive work ethic and is always prepared for class.





阿比盖尔Stadtlander is an ever-positive presence 在教室里, always wearing a smile. 她在工作室工作时很顽强. 辅修艺术史, she's proved herself a sharp reader of primary and secondary texts, 敏锐的图像读者, and a clear translator of visual arguments into verbal equivalents. Her energetic engagement in class is an encouragement to her professors, 她的创造性想象力和对她的关心也是如此



莎朗·柯 '21 为她的艺术实践带来了深刻的同理心, creating space for others to share their stories and see those stories aesthetically filtered through her creations in a way that honors the participant. 她的工作体现了关怀, 灵敏度, and empowerment which in turn is a natural reflection of who Sharon is as a person and friend. 在课堂上,她是一个深刻的读者和有说服力的作家. 甚至更好的, 莎伦是那种能推动谈话向前发展的人, 因为听好是说好的基础. 她带来了完整的自我, 充满了正直和力量, 不管她做什么, 在教室里, 工作室, 及以后.



乔丹·马歇尔,20届’s work reflects her character as an artist and thinker: thorough, 病人, 一丝不苟的, 和不妥协的. 天才画家, 乔丹用她的画笔把窗户变成了现实世界, 着眼于再现性的忠诚. A gifted writer, her written work is equally attentive to the texts and ideas she's engaging. A common theme among our Outstanding Senior award recipients is that they are the ones who show up prepared and ready to work, and Jordan is no exception: her exceptional work is partly the result of her commitment to excellence and partly the result of consistent, 在工作室里花了很长时间. 乔丹表示她打算把艺术作为一种职业, and we look forward to seeing the paintings that are still yet to come.



玛德琳·基尔帕特里克,19岁 was introduced to printmaking her first year at Westmont by professor Meagan Stirling. “从那时起,它就全速前进了!基尔帕特里克说. “I love that printmaking is all about layers, and about creating graphic imagery.”

她把自己的版画风格描述为非传统的, working in the moment and unregistered instead of focusing on perfection.

“Madeleine embodies this discipline with a joyful sense of purpose and ambition,丽莎·德波尔说, 艺术系主任. “She understands that artists go to 工作室 not when we are inspired, 但是为了获得灵感. She is engaged, driven, and hungry to learn more, to continually add to her repertoire of techniques.”

基尔帕特里克, who graduates with bachelor’s degrees in art and communication studies, 会在国外的韦斯特蒙特边境呆一个月吗, 边界, 英国脱欧:从耶路撒冷到贝尔法斯特的中期路线. She hopes to spend a few years working in a studio and building her portfolio in Nashville, 田纳西州, 攻读版画艺术硕士学位.

“我希望教书, as well as maintain a robust studio practice and continue sharing my art with my community,她说。.



珍娜·詹森, 18岁, a distance runner for the women’s cross country and track and field team, earned the award in art. 她在弹弓公司实习了三年, 发展性残疾艺术家的合作组织. 为了她的高级艺术项目, she painted classical oil portraits of five of the artists who have inspired her. “Through these relationships that I’ve had with these individuals and through the way I was inspired by their art, 我想通过为他们创作肖像来纪念他们,詹森说. The Long Beach resident will continue to paint while exploring opportunities in the art world. 她正在考虑读艺术治疗专业的研究生.



詹娜·哈林,17岁 possesses the strongest natural draftsmanship we’ve ever seen among our students. She’s also a very strong writer with a distinctive voice, and a thorough reSearcher. 珍娜很敏锐, 有纪律的, 并提交, and she exhibits a wonderful sense of curiosity which is a gift to her professors and to her fellow students. 詹娜不会半途而废. She digs in, and digs deep to pursue questions for their own sake. As a worker in the 艺术 Department and the museum, no task is too small or too big for her. 她开朗的态度和冷静, composed demeanor insure that she is a valued and respected student colleague.



给艺术系留下深刻印象的 艾瑞亚·哈曼的(16年) sense of discipline, compassionate social engagement, and strength of personal character. Aria’s personal warmth and sincere interest in the well being of others has been a gift to our community. 她经常组织讨论小组, 在课堂对话中是天生的领导者吗, and has a rich ability to articulate complex ideas and make connections between multiple spheres of knowledge. Many of Aria’s interests in art are derived from the desire to enrich viewers’ experiences in daily life, 她思考如何用艺术来改变观点, 提供新的视角,并与观众建立有意义的联系. Considering her strong work ethic is coupled with a deep generosity towards others, Aria has been a gift to this senior class and the department as a whole.



摩根·霍尔曼的(15年) production in the art department is driven by her inquisitive art practice. 在她的学习过程中, she has created freely through multiple art media while guided by consistent themes of living intentionally, 耕种土地, 以及变革的精神之旅. 今年班上最用功的学生之一, she is internally motivated and can often be found working long hours in the printmaking studio. 动觉制造者, her woodcut prints reveal the labor invested in carving out delicate details to portray expansive landscapes.  

Morgan’s leadership in her class is characterized by a quiet strength and unflappable grace; she maintains an interpersonal generosity towards her peers and strangers alike. 她的热情鼓舞了整个部门, 公共热情好客, and her diligent and insightful contributions to our collective conversations.