度 & 项目 运动机能学

运动机能学 professors train you in the scientific study of human movement and celebrate God’s greatest creation: the human body.

对自己的领域充满热情, professors work closely with you in class and involve you in their reSearch projects. 个人, interactive and relevant classes expose you to the entire umbrella of kinesiology—biophysical, 行为学和社会文化,帮助你更深入地学习. 实习 give you opportunities to observe and assist a variety of health professions and develop your own career path. Westmont’s excellent reputation with top graduate schools assists you in continuing your education through graduate programs.


B.S. 运动与运动科学

这条赛道特别强调运动科学, 物理前治疗和职业治疗, 医师助理, 心脏康复和其他联合健康领域.

B.S. 《运动与医学

This track provides coursework for students seeking to gain admission to medical school.


  • KNS/BIO 011人体解剖学(4)
  • KNS/BIO 012人体生理学(4)
  • KNS/BIO 040人体营养学(4)
  • 运动机能学基础(2)
  • MA 005统计学概论(4)
  • 选修课程达到本专业8学分的要求
  • KNS 101生物力学及实验(四)
  • KNS 105运动生理学(四)
  • KNS 148运动心理学(2)
  • KNS 149运动、健康与运动社会学(2)
  • KNS 166运动机能学演讲(4)
  • kns181特殊人群(4)
  • KNS 185运动行为(4)
  • KNS 195高级学位证书(2)
  • 选修课程达到本专业8学分的要求



  • 物理治疗
  • 职业治疗
  • 医生
  • 医师助理
  • 护理
  • 个人培训
  • 脊椎按摩疗法
  • 体育训练
  • 运动生理学
  • 心脏康复
  • 公共和全球卫生
  • 老年医学


运动机能学 majors put theory into practice by observing allied health professionals such as physical therapists, 职业治疗师, 医生, 圣巴巴拉ag娱乐官网的整形外科医生和运动教练.


全球卫生乌干达  捕捉学生的经历 在这里.






抗击疟疾并非易事,但是 Melody (Miles) Daly ' 09 brings extensive field experience to the battle in her current role as a public health expert and Program Officer for the Bill & 梅琳达·盖茨基金会. 从韦斯特蒙特学院(Westmont College)获得理学学士学位后, 梅洛迪继续通过获得硕士学位来增加她的知识宝库.P.H. in Global Health from Emory University and a certificate in theology and work at Fuller Theological Seminary. 梅洛迪并没有放慢脚步,她继续为美国航空公司工作.S. 中心 for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). 在她为这两个组织工作的五年多时间里, 梅洛迪曾担任疾控中心总统疟疾倡议的公共卫生顾问, provided technical assistance to government malaria programs in East Africa as a Monitoring and Evaluation Fellow, and reviewed all non-pharmaceutical response measures implemented during the H1N1 influenza pandemic.

艾米丽·埃克伦,2013年, 她毕业于洛玛林达大学并获得了职业治疗硕士学位, was accepted to the American 职业治疗 Association’s Emerging Leaders Development Program, which recognizes and invests in 15 students and new practitioners from across the country who demonstrate dedication and commitment to professional service at the start of their career. 艾米丽是第一个被这个项目录取的洛马琳达大学的校友. She will work with a mentor to publish reSearch related to the role of occupational therapy in women transitioning out of the sex industry and to an occupational therapy program developed for minor girls who are survivors of sex trafficking in the U.S.

从韦斯特蒙特大学毕业后 2002, 艾莉森(诺德)桑奎斯特 spent a year working and enjoying Santa Barbara before she started the physical therapy program at Chapman University. She graduated from Chapman with her doctorate degree in physical therapy in 2006 and worked for Hayashida and Associates in Santa Barbara as a physical therapist for six years. 在此期间,她获得了骨科专家(OSC)的认证。, 参加圣巴巴拉支腿独木舟俱乐部的支腿独木舟比赛, 在韦斯特蒙特大学当撑杆跳教练. In 2012, Allison and her husband moved to New Zealand w在这里 she works on and off as a physiotherapist.

“我很幸运能成为韦斯特蒙大学和它不可思议的ag娱乐官网的一员. Not only did it provide me with a foundation of knowledge and tools that allow me to be successful, 但它也帮助我建立了一个深刻的, 整体人生观,毕业生说。 本·约翰逊10. Ben certainly got the most he could have from Westmont College when he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 运动机能学 and cum laude honors to top it off.

Kelsey Kasten, 12岁 已通过六门考试中的最后一门成为合格的义肢矫形师, 或CPO,  有资格评估, 为患者装配假肢和矫形器. She says, "Prosthetics refer to artificial limbs, and orthotics to any type of bracing. 我们为那些因创伤或疾病而失去肢体的人制造假肢, 还有矫形器来帮助患有脑瘫等疾病的人, 后脑血管意外, 脊髓损伤, and many others improve their ability to walk and achieve their other functional goals. 我在威斯蒙特大学大四的时候对这个领域产生了兴趣, when I realized I wanted to do something with my career that allowed me to help people walk every single day. I went to the University of Washington w在这里 I earned my master's in prosthetics and orthotics. 研究生毕业后,你必须在每个学科完成一年的实习. I completed my orthotics residency at the University of Iowa Hospital and my prosthetics residency at a private clinic in Maryland. 我继续在这家私人诊所工作, 我喜欢在病人重新学会走路的时候和他们一起工作, 实现他们的目标!

克里斯·埃克伦,96年 has appreciated the foundation that the 运动机能学 Department provided in launching his career.  最初, he worked as a personal trainer and in a management role in a health club and progressed into a high school teaching position and department chair, ag娱乐官网大学的兼职教员和力量教练, 私营部门的绩效教练, 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校兼职讲师, 回到韦斯特蒙大学做兼职教员, manual therapist and master trainer/instructor and special advisor to the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  借着主在2009年的带领, 他在圣塔芭芭拉开设了空调表演中心, CA.  通过培训专注于综合健康和表现, 手工疗法和营养.  Little did he know that his time at Westmont would equip him with the practical and transferable skills to run a business.  His time at Westmont since graduation also allowed him the opportunity to meet his life partner and wife, 艾米丽 (McCardle“13).  Together they celebrate their newborn baby boy Jameson Ecklund, born September 5, 2019.