Westmont杂志 引导学生跨越学业和情感障碍

学生成功教练Jada Fox '20 meets with a Westmont student

想象一下,你的大学生涯开始于远离家庭的地方, friends and everything that’s familiar in the midst of a pandemic. When Westmont launched the Student Success Coach (SSC) program in fall 2020, 事实证明,这个时机非常理想. 虽然不打算用于虚拟推出, the program has become one of the innovative ways Westmont helps its new and first-year students make the transition to college and thrive. The Center for Student Success employs six coaches who focus on the individual needs and experiences of each student. 通过支持他们的成长, 引导他们克服挑战, 引导他们找到资源并建立联系, the coaches empower each student to develop their potential and excel on campus and beyond.


“All our new incoming students had a college start like no other as we assigned each one a student success coach,艾琳·麦克马洪·麦奎德说, 学院副院长兼生物学教授. “2024届毕业生需要多大的勇气和适应能力啊. The coaches got the honor of serving as that extra support these students needed to navigate their unusual college start.”

虽然不是必需的, more than 83 percent of new first-year students met with their assigned coach at least once in the fall semester, 82%的人在春天再次与他们联系. “This fact alone demonstrates how valuable students found these meetings,麦奎德说.

每个新生都有独特的经历和挑战. While some express incredible enthusiasm and feel well-equipped from the beginning, 其他的则不那么确定,会遇到直接的障碍. “I’ve helped students overcome their fear of immersing themselves

在一个新的环境中适应, encouraging them when the first wave of exams revealed Westmont’s rigor,16岁的马特·佩斯说, 教练和高级招生顾问. “I pointed out the wide variety of resources available to them to ensure their success. COVID-19 obviously amplifies all the typical challenges new students face, so many of our conversations have focused on adaptability and identifying creative solutions.” 

Pace is pursuing a vocation in school counseling and says he easily decided to become a coach. As an admissions counselor at Westmont, he has worked with prospective students for four years. “It always felt strange to work so closely with students before they got to Westmont and then abruptly discontinue my support once they arrived on campus and became members of the community,他说. “I wanted to keep the connection alive and offer insight and guidance as they navigated Westmont’s rich but often challenging terrain. 毕竟,是我说服他们把这里当成家的!”

One coach who had trouble connecting with a student finally scheduled a Zoom appointment and sent the link. The student attended the meeting and reported struggling with severe depression. 马上, the coach got an appointment for the student with Westmont’s Counseling and  Psychological Services (CAPS)—and a follow-up session to check on the student’s health.

Coronavirus-related visa delays prevented one international student from arriving on campus until midway through the fall semester. The student then had to go into a 10-day quarantine in keeping with college policy. Unable to purchase books, the student attended classes remotely but couldn’t complete the readings. The coach contacted the bookstore, picked up the books and delivered them to the isolated student. “This kind of care and attention exemplifies how the coaches go above and beyond their duties to make sure all students have what they need to thrive at Westmont,麦奎德说.

大多数会议都在Zoom上进行, 这给沟通和计划带来了挑战, but the coaches have used the online platform in creative ways to support students. A virtual workshop explaining Westmont’s online system for registering for classes reached more students because of its ease and flexibility. 大学黑客计划, which features experts talking about specific ways to improve study habits and other topics, 提供短, 30-45分钟的节目,有针对性的实用建议. 

“We’ve helped students gain insight into how best to choose their classes, 为学术咨询会议做准备, 实施简单的时间管理策略, grapple with picking a major and decide between a summer job or internship,麦奎德说.

Coaches worked with CAPS to create “Westmont Reflects: A Year Through the Pandemic,” a three-part series of short videos that focuses on experiencing loss during the pandemic, managing feelings and low motivation and moving forward with gratitude despite the uncertainty of the future.

New students planning to enroll in fall 2021 can meet with their coach as soon as they confirm their acceptance to Westmont. “The coaches have already started meeting with incoming students for fall, helping them register for classes and sharing resources even before they arrive on campus,麦奎德说.

学生成功教练Jada Fox, 2020年从韦斯特蒙特大学毕业的人, says new students asked questions about how to best explore their interests, 追求自己的专业,建立自己的校园生活.

“Last fall, a first-generation student told me no one at 首页 understood college,” she says. “At meetings with coaches, she—and other students like her—can get answers to their questions.”

小狐指导另一个学生, who was exploring a double major while participating in theater, through regularly scheduled check-ins as a form of accountability.

“We provide a space to dynamically meet and support students in their foundational first year,杰达说。.